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Thank you for supporting the ARLGP in honor of a pet or pet lover.

Your gift ensures every animal that walks through our doors receives the care, comfort, medical support, and love needed to find their new beginning.


Make a gift to honor a pet or pet lover  
Please let us know the person or pet honored or memorialized with your gift?
Who is the person to be notified of your gift? (A letter will be sent informing them of your gift.) :
Contact Information
Say "YES" to include processing fees in your gift total.
Simply leave "Yes!" checked below to ensure that 100% of your intended donation is available for our mission.
Credit Card Information
Billing Address

Privacy Policy
We keep your personal information private and secure. When you make a payment through our site, you provide your name, contact information, payment information, and additional information related to your transaction. We use this information to process your payment and to ensure your payment is correctly credited to your account.

Contact Us: Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland | PO Box 336, Portland, ME 04098 | (207) 854-9771


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